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Most Famous food of Rajasthan and dessert dishes

If you are traveling to Rajasthan and you have to eat the cuisine according to the lifestyle here then this blog is only for you. In this blog, you will tell about the Famous food of Rajasthan.

Rajasthani cuisine or Famous food of Rajasthan is influenced by its warrior-like lifestyle and the availability of ingredients in this hot and dry region. Lack of water affects cooking. 

Famous food of Rajasthan

Its famous dessert dishes or meals include Lassi (Lassi), Alwar ka Mawa, Mawa Lassi from Jodhpur, Malpua from Pushkar, "Pania" and "Gheria" from Mewar. This is famous food of Rajasthan

Maximum vegetarian food is eaten in the Marwar region of the state, there are many vegetarian eateries in the area of ​​the people, which are found in many parts of India today, which offer vegetarian food to the Marwaris. 

According to a 2014 survey released by the Registrar General of India, Rajasthan has 74.9% vegetarian, which makes Rajasthan the most vegetarian food state in India.

Traditional dishes of Rajasthan / Famous food of Rajasthan

Dal Baati

Famous food of Rajasthan,Dal Baati is the most popular dish of Rajasthan. If we talk about the famous food of Rajasthan, it starts with this dish. This dish will be made every week in the house of the people of Rajasthan. 

This dish is made from coarse wheat flour. Dal baati is usually eaten at lunch. It tastes better when eaten with more ghee. It is mainly eaten in the cities of Rajasthan, Marwar region, Pali and Jaisalmer, etc. 

It is spicier, which is a specialty of Rajasthani food.

Bajra Sogra

This roti made of millet flour is called "Sogra" in Rajasthani. It is also usually made during winter. It is a heavy meal, which quickly erases our hunger. You can see it being built mainly in the villages of Rajasthan. 

This food is less in cities. It will often be seen in some other states of North India as well.

Makki ka sogra

This roti made of Maize flour is called "Sogra" in Rajasthani. It is also usually made during winter. It is a heavy meal, which quickly erases our hunger. 

You can see it being built mainly in the villages of Rajasthan. This food is less in cities. It will often be seen in some other states of North India as well.


Rajasthani Food, Dhokla is made in Rajasthan mainly in the Godwad region. The "kadi" is made with Dhokla. 

It is a famous food of Rajasthan. Dhokla is made from wheat flour. Wheat flour is made from round to round large pedas and heated in steam. 

For " kadi" Chickpea flour is heated in buttermilk.

Famous greens of Rajasthan

Haldi ka Saag

Famous food of Rajasthan,It is a type of vegetable that is often made in western Rajasthan during winter. It is mainly cooked in native ghee. 

Apart from turmeric, various types of green vegetables are added to it, green onion, garlic, tomato, coriander, ginger, green chili, cauliflower, etc. Turmeric vegetable is eaten with thick wheat Rotis. 

Turmeric vegetable is warming, so it is made mainly during winter. This vegetable is made mainly during winter festivals, wedding festivities, etc. 

The people of Rajasthan eats it with great speed. If you are coming to Rajasthan during winter, you can enjoy the taste of this vegetable. This is Famous food of rajasthan.

Panchkuta / Ker Sangri

It is a traditional vegetable of Rajasthan. It consists of a total of five things, these are made of five things consisting of Ker, Sangri, Gunda, Amsoor, Kumpatia (it is their Rajasthani name). 

People here believe that this vegetable is very beneficial for health. This vegetable can be stored and stored for a long time and can be eaten without reheating it. This is famous food of Rajasthan.

You will get this vegetable to eat in every season. It is the most popular vegetable in Rajasthan's traditional vegetable. There are spicy vegetables made in Rajasthan with more oil and more spices. 

Ker and Sangri trees are found in Rajasthan. The people of the place make Ker, sangri vegetable with fresh fruits during the season and for the latter, the Ker and sangri are dried well, whenever the vegetable is to be made, it is made by soaking it in water or buttermilk.

Pithore ka saag

Pithore is a  Famous food of Rajasthan. This is a Vegetable.  In this, gram flour is cooked in steam. The cooked gram flour is stored in a bowl and cut into small pieces.

These steamed ripe, chopped gram flour curds are sprinkled to curd and made into a curry vegetable. 

It is often made in villages of Marwar and Mewar regions of Rajasthan.

Gulab jamun ki sabaji

Jodhpur region of Rajasthan is famous for this vegetable. This vegetable is usually made here. 

This vegetable has its own distinct identity in Rajasthani food. These are very unique vegetables, which are made only in Jodhpur.

Rabori ki sabaji

This vegetable is mainly made in western Rajasthan. This vegetable is prepared at home. For this, the batter is heated by mixing maize flour and some other flour in buttermilk. The hot solution is then dried in the sun on a plastic cover. 

When it hardens, its crust is released. It is then stored and stored. When a vegetable is to be made, it is taken out and used in food. It is prepared by women in the villages of Rajasthan. 

It is a famous food of Rajasthan. This vegetable is called by different names in every region of Rajasthan, but mainly people call it the vegetable of Rabori.

Sawla ka saag

This is a type of native vegetable. Vegetables called "Sawla" are sown in fields in Rajasthan. Its crop is harvested and "Sawla" is extracted from inside its pod. 

Then its vegetable is cooked and eaten with great fervor in the villages of Rajasthan.

Kache Aam ki sabji

The raw mango vegetable or "carry"  vegetable is also a popular vegetable here. Which is often eaten in the villages here. It is made by cooking raw mangoes.

Sanlewa ka sabji

Greens of "Sanlewa" are also obtained from farms in Rajasthan. It is a type of wild vegetable. Which is sown by the people here. And then cooked and eaten.

Palak ki sabji

Greens of "Palak" are also obtained from farms in Rajasthan. It is a type of wild vegetable. Which is sown by the people here. And then cooked and eaten.

Rajasthan's famous sweets dishes


It is an important traditional Rajasthani sweet dish which is made on the occasion of marriage etc. in Rajasthan. 

Famous food of Rajasthan,This dish is made from chopped wheat and ghee and is called Lapsi in Rajasthani. 

The influence of this dish can also be seen on Rajasthani proverbs. This dish is also made by the people here in all seasons.


Churma is the most popular dish in Rajasthan's Mishtan cuisine. It is prepared by grinding wheat bread, adding gud or sugar and dry fruits to it. 

It is also served as laddu. Hence it is also called churme ke laddu, it is served with dal baati. Churma will be seen at every festival, wedding, marriage, and festival of Rajasthan. 

You will get to eat it in every season. If you come to Rajasthan, you must taste it. This is also Famous food of Rajasthan.


Malpua is a dessert dish in Rajasthan Which is usually made at festivals. 

Besan ki chakii

One of the traditional sweets of Rajasthan is "besan ki chakii". It is very tasty.  This "Chakii", which is able to be stored and stored for a whole month, can be made on any special festival or festival.

Mohan thal

This is one of the traditional sweets of Rajasthan. Which is usually made in wedding festivities.

More food like this:- Soji ka sira, Sindharla

Rajasthan's famous breakfast food

Makki ka daliya

This dish is also a breakfast dish made in Rajasthan. It is one of the traditional dishes of Rajasthan. 

This maize porridge is cooked in hot water. You can eat it with milk, buttermilk.

Same food like this:- 1.Jwar ka Daliya  2.Bajre ka Daliya

Bajre ki Raab

This Rajasthani dish is mainly eaten or eaten as breakfast. 

This Bajra porridge is eaten in buttermilk. People of Rajasthan makes it for breakfast.

You can read this also :- Rajasthani Language

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